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December 2023

December 2023

Greetings BRAR Friends,

Here we go!  The frantic holiday push that started with Thanksgiving and keeps us jumping through the beginning of 2024.  The song says, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year” and in many respects, I guess it is.  It also can be the most stressful and the most emotional time of the year to many, so please join me in ratcheting up your empathy, patience, and tolerance levels to a solid 10 on the dial. If you’re familiar with the film “Spinal Tap” go ahead and notch that dial up to 11. 😊

I know so many of you are generous with your time and talents throughout the year, and especially during the holidays.  We all know it’s better to give than receive, and we all get that special warm feeling inside when we can make someone’s day through a small act of kindness or generosity.  I’ve made it a tradition to do more random acts of kindness during the holiday period than at other times during the year.  I like to go to a breakfast spot (not a fancy one) and make my server’s day by leaving a Benjamin as payment for a seven-dollar breakfast and telling my server to keep the change.  I get at least a day’s worth of inner warmth from seeing their joy in receiving a meaningful tip that might help lessen the financial burden of the holidays for them.   I’ll stuff the Salvation Army kettle with paper instead of coins and I try to buy Christmas gifts for a needy family through contacts with an area social services agency or church.  Small gestures, but better than doing nothing or spending those funds on things I don’t need.

Time and volunteering are huge gifts.  I admire those of you who spend time serving holiday meals to less fortunate souls, or shopping for those who are house bound.  Maybe you teach Sunday School or volunteer at your child’s elementary school.  The opportunities are endless, right?  I know I’m preaching to the choir here because in my short time in Winchester and at BRAR, I’ve witnessed the level of giving that inspires me to do better.  Certainly, our staff here appreciates the volunteer efforts of our committee members and Board of Directors.  We feel the love and support from our generous affiliates who step up to sponsor events and help in setting them up.  Personally, I’ve received so much encouragement and support from many of you as I get settled into this position and work to serve those who hired me.

You see, when you receive that kind of love, your tendency is to give it back tenfold.  It’s a beautiful multiplier effect that can impact the lives of so many in this chain of compassion.  My holiday wish for each of you is that you give at least as much as you receive.  The “give” side of the ledger will keep you balanced and joyful.  Thank you for all you do and please have a warm and wonderful season as you cherish each moment given to you. We are all immeasurably blessed.

All my best,

Rob Wigton


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